How do I know if my computer has a virus and how to remove it

If you have a virus on your computer, you can remove it by following these ten easy steps:

  1. Download a full internet security suite or a virus scanner.
  2. Disconnect from the internet to stop additional harm.
  3. Restart your computer in safe mode.
  4. Use ‘Disk Clean Up’ to remove any temporary files.
  5. Perform a virus scan using your chosen internet security or anti-virus program.
  6. Quarantine or remove the virus if it is detected.
  7. Restart your device.
  8. Modify all of your passwords for added security.
  9. Update your operating system, browser, and software to lower the risk of future infections.
  10. Stay vigilant and practice safe online habits.

You can eliminate a virus from your computer by combining an antivirus software with the Safe Mode feature built into your computer. Here’s how:

  1. Use the Security panel in Windows and select "THREAT & VIRUS PROTECTION."
  2. Click on SCAN OPTIONS and then click Microsoft Defender.
  3. Press SCAN NOW and view the outcomes in PROTECTION HISTORY.
  4. Restart your computer in Safe Mode.
  5. Open Disk Cleanup and remove temporary files and system data.
  6. Get Autoruns and use it to get rid of malicious files.
  7. Shut down Windows and update your browser’s home page if necessary.
  8. Perform a malware scan with Malwarebytes.
  9. Reinstall Windows if needed.
  10. Forcefully stop persistent malware programs and move them to the Trash.

For Mac users:

  1. Restart your Mac in safe mode.
  2. Install and open Malwarebytes.
  3. Click on the Dashboard tab and then click Scan.
  4. Remove any viruses found and uninstall malicious apps if necessary.
  5. Delete any files associated with malicious applications.
  6. Empty the Downloads directory.
  7. Update your browser’s home page if needed.
  8. Shut down your Mac and reinstall the operating system if required.

Not all computer infections are easy to identify, but there are indicators to watch out for. Here are ten signs that your computer may be compromised:

  1. Unusual or unexpected windows and dialog boxes.
  2. Audible signals indicating a virus response to uncontrollable events.
  3. Missing files or changes in file contents and icons.
  4. Slower computer performance than normal.
  5. Sudden shutdowns or restarts.
  6. Recurring system failures.
  7. Recurring error alerts.
  8. Unexpected pop-up windows.
  9. Emerging programs appearing without being downloaded.
  10. Emails sent automatically from your accounts without your intervention.

Remember, prevention is key to protecting your computer from viruses. Always have reliable antivirus software installed, create strong and unique passwords, enable multi-factor authentication, and stay cautious when using public Wi-Fi networks.