How to Open an EML File Without Outlook

USE A MAIL CLIENT TO OPEN THE FILE. Emails saved as files are called EML files. Using an email client like Thunderbird, Windows Live Mail, Outlook Express, or Outlook is the most straightforward method of opening them. EML files ought to be automatically registered in the majority of the more recent iterations of these programs, allowing double-clicking the file to open it.

IN order to view it in a browser, CHANGE THE EXTENSION. EML files and MHTML are very similar, and renaming an EML file with the extension *.mht will quickly turn it into an Internet Explorer-openable format. Internet Explorer is the only web browser that can properly format MHT files, even though other browsers can open them. You will not be able to download any attachments using this method.

GET FREEVIEWER EML FILE VIEWER AND INSTALL IT. free to download from the developer website. VIEW THE FILE AS PLAIN-TEXT AT You can view the file as plain text if you are unable to open it in an email client or convert it for opening in Internet Explorer. The message’s body and any links will still be visible despite the large number of gibberish characters. There won’t be any attachments or pictures visible to you.

USE APPLE MAIL TO OPEN THE EML FILE. Apple Mail can open and display EML files correctly and is included with the OS X installation.

For Macintosh, USE OUTLOOK OR MICROSOFT ENTOURAGE. To open EML files, install the Microsoft mail client if you have Office 2008 or 2011.

TRANSFERRING THE FILE USING STUFFIT EXPANSER. It is possible to extract the data from the EML file using this free extraction tool for OS X.

EML FILE VIEW IN PLAIN-TEXT. You can open the EML file in TextEdit if you don’t have a mail client and are unable to install StuffIt Expander. This will enable you to access any links and read the message’s body. You won’t be able to access attachments or view any images.

SAVE THE APP AND DOWNLOAD THE KLAMMER APP. This app costs $0.99 and can be downloaded from the App Store. It will enable you to access and examine an EML file’s contents. As of right now, there isn’t another way to view EML files without first converting them on another platform.

SELECT ANY APP THAT CONTAINS THE EML FILE YOU WANT TO OPEN AND OPEN THE MAIL APP. Klammer can be used to open EML files that are contained in email messages, in programs that work with files, Dropbox, or other cloud storage services.

HOLD DOWN THE DOWNLOADED FILES. A prompt to choose an application to open the file in will appear.

CLICK ‘OPEN IN KLAMMER’. The Klammer app will load the EML file and allow you to view it with the correct formatting.

GET THE APP FOR LETTER OPENING. The EML format is not supported natively by Android.

OPEN A FILE IN EML. An EML file can be opened in a number of ways, depending on how you obtained it.

CHOOSE THE LETTER OPENER FROM THE APP LIST. You’ll be asked to choose an application when you attempt to open the EML file. Letter Opener ought to be included in the list. Press ‘Always’ to link EML files to your newly installed app.

GO OVER THE EML FILES. The email message with the From, To, Date, Subject, and Message Text will be displayed by Letter Opener as an EML file.

ATTACHMENTS: A list of attachments is located at the bottom of the screen.

We’ll then find out if EML can be opened without Outlook.

Using a viewer, importing the files into a different email client, and altering the extension are the most widely used techniques.

On any Windows edition, data extraction from EML is possible. The quickest and easiest way to open EML files is with a free viewer, unless you have Outlook installed.

If you have no software that works with EML and you don’t want to install any, change the extension by following our instructions.

You can quickly open email messages on Windows without Outlook by using our free viewer software.

There are various ways for Mac users to open EML files. Using pre-installed mail clients is the easiest way to go about things because these programs are preconfigured to handle EML files.

Using Apple Mail or Outlook for Macintosh to open EML files on a Mac computer is the most straightforward method.

The only thing you can do if you don’t have a compatible mail client or viewer for EML files is rename the file.

Let’s discuss the simplest method for opening an EML file.

Using an email client like Outlook, Outlook Express, Windows Live Mail, or Thunderbird is the simplest method to open EML files.

You can rename the file to *.mht and open it in Internet Explorer if you don’t have an email client or are having trouble opening the files in your email client.

You can also open and view EML files by downloading and installing the FreeViewer EML File Viewer.

If none of these methods work, you can use Notepad or TextEdit to open the EML file as a plain-text file.

Remember that viewing the file in plain-text mode will prevent you from seeing any attachments or pictures.