How to unzip a ZIP file on my PC

Use the right-click menu to choose EXTRACT ALL, then follow the prompts to unzip the whole folder.

Alternatively, you can use the command ribbon to select EXTRACT ALL.

Double-clicking the zipped folder will open it and allow you to decompress a single file or folder. Next, move the item to a new location by dragging or copying it from the compressed folder.

Find the zip file or folder from which you wish to extract files or folders.

One file or folder can be unzipped by opening the zipped folder, then dragging the file or folder to a new location.

Holding down on the folder or right-clicking on it will allow you to extract all of its contents. Choose EXTRACT ALL… and proceed as directed.

Drag files or folders to a previously created zipped folder to add them to it.

Encrypted files added to a zipped folder will become unencrypted upon unzipping, potentially leading to inadvertent revelation of private or confidential data. Because of this, we advise against compressing encrypted data.

JPEG images are one example of a file type that is already heavily compressed. When you zip many JPEG images into a folder, the folder’s overall size will be comparable to the initial set of images.

Let’s investigate why my PC is unable to unzip a file.

You can zip and unzip files without the use of other applications because Windows 11 comes with built-in support for file compression and extraction.

Here are some quick fixes for Windows users who are having trouble opening or unzipping archives.

First, see if it works by trying to extract another ZIP file on your computer.

The original ZIP file you are having problems with might be damaged if you have no problems extracting it from another one.

One useful solution for these kinds of problems is to restart the Windows Explorer process.

ZIP files may not extract to a directory on Windows if you do not have the appropriate rights to access that directory.

There are multiple built-in options in Windows 11 for extracting ZIP files. Therefore, consider using Command Prompt instead than File Explorer if you’re having problems unzipping files.

Windows has very limited support for file extraction, thus you may occasionally run into issues.

One such file extraction program that you may download and use to unzip files is called 7-Zip.

At this stage, you can try various popular workarounds to see if you can still extract files on Windows.

This is how I open a ZIP file on my laptop without WinZip. Let’s get started.

To open any zip file without WinZip or WinRAR on Windows 7, 8, or 10, take the following actions.

To launch the file explorer, double click the zip file you want to extract.

Locate "Compressed folder tools" in the upper section of the Explorer menu and select it.

Choose the "extract" option that shows up beneath it.

There will be a window pop up.

At the bottom of the pop-up box, select "extract."

This approach may not always work and may result in an error message.

Let’s investigate the meaning of unzipping a file.

Extracting files from a zipped single file or comparable file bundle is known as unzipping.

Unzipping releases the compressed files from the package, assuming that’s the case.

Most of the time, consumers who download software from websites offering shareware or freeware will end up with a zip file.

They have the following options for decompressing the file:

Click the zipped folder twice. A’self-extracting’ software on most platforms unzips the folder for you automatically.

With a right-click, choose EXTRACT ALL from the compressed folder.

Any operating system can build a zipped folder.