How to Upload a File to Drive Faster

Given its advantages, it makes sense why it has such a large following. It is inexpensive, highly effective, and simple to use. In addition, it offers a large amount of storage space and is highly secure.

For regular users with modest data needs, this isn’t really a problem, but for professionals in the video industry and other fields requiring frequent, large-scale file transfers, it can be a nightmare.

For this reason, we’ve listed the top methods for uploading big files to Google Drive below. Additionally, we will discuss some of the most common problems that may arise as well as solutions for some of them.

Three main factors generally affect how quickly you upload files to Google Drive:

  • SIZE OF FILE. Smaller files, such as text or photos, will upload more quickly than 4K videos, of course.

  • Internet choices, connectivity, and speed. Your digital assets will upload to Google Drive more quickly if your device is connected to a high-speed Internet network with ample bandwidth.

  • WHAT YOUR DEVICE CAN HOLD. Verify your hardware and software tandem’s upload speed. The processor on your device will be greatly taxed by large or bulk file uploads.

  • WIRED CONNECTION: Ethernet cables allow you to connect your computer directly to the router, which will provide a faster connection than unreliable Wi-Fi.

  • RESTART YOUR MODEM OR ROUTER: Rebooting your modem or router can sometimes help to increase speeds.

  • Shut down other apps: Having a lot of open tabs in your browser or applications can slow down upload speed, especially if they use the Internet.

We’ll find out why Google Drive uploads take so long after this.

Too big a file to upload. The size of the file you wish to upload will impact Google Drive’s upload speed.
It is unstable to connect to the network. The Wi-Fi or cellular data you are using also affects the upload speed on Google Drive. Thus, poor network performance can have a negative impact on upload speed.
The file name cannot be used. You cannot upload files with unique symbol file names because Google Drive will not recognize them.
There is not enough storage on Google Drive. In the event that the storage capacity is exhausted, Google Drive will cease to upload files. However, it will appear to you as though files are constantly being uploaded.

The aforementioned elements are just a few of the numerous reasons why Google Drive uploads slowly. For now, we only include the most important ones on this list; if we discover more, we’ll talk about them later.

The fastest way to upload a file is the next topic of discussion.

There are several reasons why sending large files through a browser makes sense. Browsers have low entry barriers, are widely available, and are simple to use.

Nevertheless, users can take the following actions to upload files more quickly:

  • As opposed to Wi-Fi, use a wired connection.
  • Cut down on the quantity of devices connected to a single port.
  • Keep your tabs open in the upload window at all times (the tab you select affects how quickly the CPU processes data).
  • Instead of uploading files from an external hard drive, which could cause more bottlenecks, use your local computer.
  • Send smaller files; browsers will only send one request, resulting in a quicker delivery of a smaller package.

But why is my file uploading so slowly, exactly?

Are you trying to determine the cause of your slow internet upload speeds? There are numerous remedies to try as well as a range of reasons!

Numerous factors, including malware, your router, and an excessive number of users on the network, may be the cause of slow speeds.

To fix the problem, you can try:

  • Resetting your router
  • Upgrading your internet
  • Performing an antivirus scan

UPLOADING MAY BE SLOWD BY OLDER ROUTERS AND MODEMS. It’s possible that your modem and router are too old to support faster upload speeds.

THE PLACE OF YOUR ROUTER IS IMPROVEABLE. Physical objects that are positioned between a router and your internet device can affect it. Slower internet speeds and erratic connections may result from increased interference.

THE NUMBER OF DEVICES LINKED TO YOUR NETWORK IS TOO HIGH. If numerous users attempt to upload at the same time, your upload speeds will decrease because your bandwidth is divided among all of the devices on your network.

SLOW IS YOUR INTERNET. You might not be receiving the fastest speed specified in your plan from your internet provider.

However, what about the duration required to upload a file to a drive?

Uploading a video to Google Drive that is at least two gigabytes in size and reasonably lengthy will take at least an hour. There will be another twenty minutes for processing after that.

This indicates that it will take approximately ninety minutes in total to play the video from the Google Drive link for you or anyone else, and that is standard.

It is an error, though, if your Google Drive video is still processing hours or even days later.

Older, out-of-date browsers can occasionally also contribute to the issue. Another possible cause could be a corrupted cache within your browser.

There are times when Google may be the cause of the issue. The amount of traffic that the Google servers must handle is obvious. Hence, Google Drive frequently experiences server errors, which may result in issues with processing videos.

Thus, make sure the device and internet connection are in good working order before making any significant or large-scale transfers.

An HD movie file typically has a duration of 2.5 hours and a file size of approximately six gigabytes. It could therefore take up to four or five hours to complete the uploading and processing steps.