What is Google’s DNS server

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There are two main IP addresses for the Google domain name system: and

You can use Google’s domain name system service by changing your domain name system settings to these IP addresses.

The largest public DNS service in the world, Google Public DNS, promises to deliver quicker, more secure internet connections.

Use these procedures to change a Windows 10 device’s domain name system server to the Google domain name:

To migrate a macOS device to the Google domain name system server, do the following:

Your priorities will determine whether or not you should use the Google domain name system server.

Performance is the primary factor driving users to switch to Google DNS.

Even though they are both public, using the Google DNS servers is secure.

Google DNS probably does work faster, though there’s no guarantee.

Yes, all Internet users can use the Google domain name system for free as it is a global domain name resolution service.

Let’s see if the best DNS is still is designed to be the fastest DNS directory on the Internet.

The fastest DNS service in the world is, according to independent DNS monitor DNSPerf.

It takes two minutes to set up and doesn’t require any specialized software or technical knowledge.

There are now more and faster private DNS servers on your device.

You can increase device speed and transparently provide your customers with enhanced security by utilizing DNS over HTTPS (DoH).

No, Cloudflare will continue to offer the DNS service in the near future because it firmly believes in the benefits of free, quick, and private DNS.