What program opens RAW images

Windows Users

To open RAW files on Windows, follow these steps:

  1. Open the folder where the RAW file is located.
  2. Right-click on the file and hover your cursor over ‘Open with’.
  3. Select ‘Photos’ from the options.

If the RAW file doesn’t open, you may need to download a camera codec pack from the Microsoft website to enable Windows to recognize RAW files from different cameras.

Mac Users

To open RAW files on a Mac, use the ‘Preview’ application:

  1. Open Finder and locate the RAW file.
  2. Right-click (or control-click) on the file and select ‘Open With’ > ‘Preview’.

If ‘Preview’ fails to identify the file, it could be due to an unsupported RAW format in your current macOS version. In such cases, consider using a third-party app or updating your system.

Android Users

By default, Android does not support RAW files. However, Google Photos can view certain RAW files. Here’s how:

  1. If the RAW file is already on Google Photos, you can upload the RAW version directly from your phone.
  2. If the file is not on Google Photos, you can upload it from a computer.

To locate the uploaded file, open the Google Photos app on your Android device.

Opening RAW files on a PC is relatively straightforward:

  • On Windows 10 or macOS, simply locate the RAW file and click on it to open it in your preferred photo viewer.
  • For Windows 8.1 or earlier, you need to download and install the Microsoft Camera Codec Pack to open RAW files.
  • Snapseed is a popular mobile photo editor that supports RAW files on mobile devices.

To open a RAW file, use Finder (Mac) or File Explorer (Windows) to navigate to the folder where the file is saved. Then, double-click the file to open it in your default photo viewer. Alternatively, right-click the file, choose ‘Open With’, and select the desired application.

If you’re running an older version of Windows, you may need to download additional software to open RAW files. Visit https://www.microsoft.com to find the necessary software.

There are several free software options available for viewing RAW images:

  • Raw Viewer: A free and user-friendly raw image viewer for Windows and macOS. It supports a wide range of camera raw formats, including Adobe Digital Negative, Sony Digital Camera Image, Canon RAW, Fuji RAW, and Nikon RAW. It also offers features like image rotation, zooming, and conversion to common image formats like JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, and TIFF.
  • WidsMob Viewer Pro: A folder-based media viewer and camera companion for Windows and macOS. It allows you to browse various picture formats and popular video file formats.
  • IrfanView: A free raw photo viewer for Windows that not only allows you to view raw images but also provides options for editing and converting image files, as well as playing audio and video files.

To open RAW files in Photoshop, you will need editing software like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom. Here are some tips:

  • Use Adobe Photoshop Express for editing raw photos on your smartphone.
  • Keep in mind that different camera brands may require specific software extensions, and not all extensions work universally.
  • Most raw formats require a codec to read the data. While you can view a thumbnail with the codec, editing requires additional software.
  • Codecs for reading image data are usually included with operating systems, and Mac computers receive codec updates through standard software updates.
  • Adobe products often include codecs for viewing and editing photos.
  • If you cannot afford Adobe Photoshop products, there are alternative software options available to view and edit raw photos.
  • Adobe provides software that can convert raw photos to the more widely supported DNG format for both Windows and Mac.
  • Other software like Stepok OK and RawTherapee can also import, edit, and convert raw images without compromising quality.

Before purchasing software, make sure to check if it supports the extension for your camera. This overview of suggested programs can help you make an informed decision.