How to Install Add-ons on Android

Firefox for Android extensions can be found and installed using via the Add-ons Manager of the browser.

The steps to install using the Add-ons Manager are as follows:

  1. Press the menu icon.
  2. Click on the menu item.
  3. To find out more, tap on an add-on. Tap the plus button to install it.
  4. You will then be able to see what access that extension needs. To install the extension, tap Add.
  5. You will be able to use the extension in private browsing with Firefox after installing it. You may either activate it later (see below) or click the box to allow private browsing now.
  6. Press OK. Completed the task.

If appropriate add-ons are available, Firefox for Android will update them automatically when you upgrade the browser.

For the time being, all other extensions that are incompatible with the latest version of Firefox for Android will not work.

With Firefox for Android’s Add-ons Manager, you can disable or delete extensions:

  1. Press the menu icon.
  2. Click on the menu item.
  3. The list of active add-ons may be seen under Enabled.
  4. To modify an add-on, tap on it.
  5. DISABLE: Move the ENABLED slider to the off position.
  6. Select the Remove button to uninstall.

When using private browsing, installed and migrated add-ons are by default deactivated. To alter this configuration:

  1. Press the menu icon.
  2. Click on the menu item.
  3. Press the add-on that you wish to modify.
  4. To enable or disable RUN IN PRIVATE BROWSING, drag the slider next to it.

You can install any extension found on (AMO) in Nightly when using Firefox for Android.

Although they are primarily made for the Chrome desktop web browser, Chrome extensions can also be used on mobile devices.

While extensions work with a number of browsers, just two let you install them directly from the Chrome Web Store. The two that really stick out to us for enabling you to access extensions straight from the Web Store are Yandex and Kiwi Browser.


  1. Open Yandex and touch the three-line icon located at the bottom right of the home screen to install Chrome extensions.
  2. Press the SETTINGS symbol.
  3. Click on the EXTENSIONS CATALOG.
  4. When you find the extension you wish to install, tap INSTALL.
  5. You can access the Chrome Web Store page by doing this. In the pop-up window that appears, select ADD TO CHROME in the upper-right corner of the page, tap ADD EXTENSION, and wait for the extension to download and install.
  6. Tap the THREE-LINE symbol and then the EXTENSIONS symbol to see the extension’s options.

Kiwi Browser

  1. Open Kiwi Browser and enter in the URL bar to install Chrome extensions.
  2. Look for the extension that you want to set up.
  3. On the upper-right corner of the website, select ADD TO CHROME.
  4. Then, select OK from the pop-up window and wait for the extension to download and install.
  5. Tap the THREE-DOT ICON in the upper right corner of the screen to access the extension’s settings, then choose EXTENSIONS.

Try out some of these well-liked options on your smartphone now that you know how to install Chrome extensions on Android.

There are many different extensions available for the Chrome web browser, which adds to the enjoyment of browsing.

For those who don’t know, extensions are little programs that increase the browser’s capability.

With Chrome extensions, you may enhance privacy, browse without advertisements, and have access to a number of additional services that can boost your productivity.

That being said, extensions are not supported by Chrome, the default browser for Android, the most widely used mobile operating system worldwide.

Currently available for Android, Kiwi Browser is arguably the most feature-rich and adaptable Chromium web browser.

You can run a wide range of desktop Chrome extensions on Android smartphones with the well-known third-party browser.

With a few restrictions because these extensions are still intended for a desktop experience, the Kiwi browser’s developer believes you can use the majority of desktop Chrome extensions.

You’ll then be prompted to open Chrome again.

Currently, the quickest method to delete a specific extension would be to right-click on its icon in the top bar and select "REMOVE FROM CHROME."

The following actions should be taken if you simply need to disable the extension and don’t need to remove it:

  • Choose MORE TOOLS -> EXTENSIONS from the Chrome menu (click the three dots in the upper-right corner).
  • Or use the URL bar to type CHROME://EXTENSIONS.
  • Next, locate the extension you wish to remove, and flip that switch!
  • Turn on the single setting that appears.