How to install the SDK on Linux

Below is the structured text using Markdown syntax:

Download the Android SDK Manager from the Snap Store

Snap install androidsdk with sudo

The sdkmanager can be used for the following tasks.

    • androidsdk —list [parameters]
    • packages for androidsdk [options]

The packages argument is an SDK-style path (e.g., "build-tools;29.0.0" or "platforms;android-28") enclosed in quotes, as displayed by the --list command.

Package paths can be passed in multiples, separated by spaces, but they need to be wrapped in separate quotes.

Let’s see how to use the SDK command to install.

The SDK (software development kit) for Android comes with various tools, such as Build Tools, Platform Tools, and SDK Tools.
The hierarchy viewer, SDK manager, ProGuard, and stock Android emulator are the main components of the SDK Tools.
Aapt, an Android packaging tool for creating .APK files, and dx, an Android tool for converting .java files to .dex files, are the two main components of the Build Tools.
Systrace, sqlite3, and the Android debug shell are examples of platform tools.
There are multiple ways to manually download the Android SDK or have it installed automatically using the most recent version of Gradle.
Installing the Android SDK using Homebrew is possible if you are running macOS/OS X.
The Android SDK must be downloaded separately from Android Studio.

How to locate the SDK in Linux is the next topic.

You can take the following actions to find the Java SDK path in Linux:

  1. First, let’s open the terminal. Open the terminal program on your Linux computer.
  2. Execute the Java command in step two. Enter the following command in the terminal and hit Enter:
    $ java -version

    Following the previous command’s execution, the Java version information will appear. See if there is a line that begins "java version". In that line, take note of the path that appears after the "openjdk" or "jdk" keyword.

  3. Step 4: CONFIRM THE TRAIL You can use the terminal’s ls command to confirm the path:
    $ ls <path>
  4. Setting up your development environment and running Java applications in Linux requires knowing where the Java SDK path is.

Now let’s look at installing the SDK on Ubuntu.

Installing .NET on Ubuntu 20.04 is covered in this article; both .NET 6 and .NET 7 are supported.
To create .NET apps, install the SDK (which also includes the runtime). Alternatively, install the Runtime if you only need it to run apps. Since the ASP.NET CORE RUNTIME includes both the .NET and ASP.NET Core runtimes, we advise installing it if you’re installing the runtime.
To find out which versions are installed, use the dotnet --list-sdks and dotnet --list-runtimes commands. See How to verify if .NET is already installed for further details.
APT installation is accomplished with a few commands. Use the following commands to add the package repository and the Microsoft package signing key to your list of trusted keys before installing .NET.
Enter the following commands into an open terminal:

$ weget sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb

Packages-microsoft-prod.deb is removed.

You can create .NET apps with the .NET SDK. The corresponding runtime does not need to be installed if the .NET SDK is installed. Use these commands to install the .NET SDK:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo install dotnet-sdk-7.0 via apt-get

Apps created with .NET but without the runtime can now be executed with the help of the ASP.NET Core Runtime. The most compatible runtime for .NET is the ASP.NET Core Runtime, which can be installed with the following commands. Execute the following commands in your terminal:

$ sudo apt-get update
$ Install aspnetcore-runtime-7.0 with sudo apt-get

Now let’s look at installing the TI SDK on Linux.

From this page, download the Processor SDK Linux installer.
Install Processor SDK Linux release package by following this page’s instructions. [LINK]
Install the companion Processor SDK RTOS software by clicking this link.
Install and use the SDK demos straight from the source by following these instructions.
Follow the guidelines on this page to install and run the prebuilt binaries’ SDK demos straight out of the box [LINK]. * [LINK]