What is Google Maps KML

KML is a file format used by Earth browsers, like Google Earth, to display geographic data.

Based on the XML standard, KML employs an XML-based tag-based structure with nested elements and attributes.

Every tag must appear exactly as listed in the KML Reference and is case-sensitive. Which tags are optional are indicated in the Reference.

If you’re unfamiliar with KML, start by reading this document and the sample files that go with it to get a sense of how a KML file is put together and which tags are most frequently used.

Features that can be created using the Google Earth user interface are covered in the first section. Placemarks, descriptions, ground overlays, paths, and polygons are some of these features.

Features that necessitate using a text editor to author KML are covered in the second section.

Earth browsers are designed to display text files with a .kml or .kmz extension.

One of the most utilized features in Google Earth is a Placemark.

Opening a KML File

Now let’s examine what a KML file is and how to open one.

Keyhole Markup Language files are known as KML files.

Open one with Marble, Merkaartor, or Google Earth.

A document containing the. A file with the extension KML stands for Keyhole Markup Language.

KML files store locations, image overlays, video links, and modeling data using XML to express geographic annotation and visualization.

KML files are used by many geospatial software applications because they simplify the data and make it accessible to other applications and web services.

One of the most widely used online tools for opening KML files is Google Earth, which was the first application to support viewing and editing of the file type.

KML files can also be opened by ArcGIS, Merkaartor, Blender, Global Mapper, and Marble.