Understanding TGZ File Format

A TGZ file is a Unix.TAR archive that has been compressed using Gnu Zip (.GZIP) to minimize its size. It was first developed as the abbreviated form of the compound extension and is frequently found on Unix and Linux systems.TAR.GZ.

In order to extract the archived files and decompress a TGZ file simultaneously, use the following command at the Unix command line:

tar filename.tgz -xzvf

After the Gzip file has been decompressed, the files are extracted from the TAR archive using this command.

Install packages for certain Linux distributions utilize TGZ files. As a result, installers use the ".tgz" extension, whereas archives occasionally use the ".tar.gz" extension.

Opening a TGZ File

You can use a program like tar (on Unix and Linux) or a file compression tool like 7-Zip or WinRAR (on Windows) to extract the contents of a.tgz file.

On Linux, you can use the "tar" command in the terminal to extract a.tar.gz file. The archive’s contents will be extracted and placed in the current directory as a result.

The following syntax can be used to extract the archive’s contents to a particular directory:

tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz -C /path/to/directory

A file compression tool compatible with the.tar.gz format is required in order to extract a file from this format on Windows. Numerous user-friendly graphical user interface tools are available, such as WinRAR (free trial) and 7-Zip (open source).

On Mac OS, the built-in "tar" command and the Terminal program can be used to extract a.tar.gz file.

TGZ as a Tar File

multiline diagram.tgz is an uncompressed tar file as opposed to a gzipped one. Tar files that have been compressed are called tgz files. It doesn’t seem like the downloaded file is compressed.

When a file is not in gzip format, zcat returns an error. In this instance, the tar -xzvf command includes an extraneous un-compression command. Instead of being an uncompressed tar file, tgz ought to be a compressed tar file. Although this tarball is supposed to be gzipped, it doesn’t seem to be.